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Stop Smoking Tobacco Cigs Until It's Too Late

If you're a smoker, smoking is part of your daily routine. Whether you use it to calm your nerves, to think clearly, to socialize with other people or just to take a short break from the daily tasks, you enjoy it and you're pretty stick to it. But smoking kills and you should be aware of that. Tobacco cigs can cause you premature death and you should drop them until it's too late. Don't worry, this is not another article meant to make you quit smoking.


The dangerous cocktail of over 4,000 burnt substances contained in a tobacco cig is the leading cause for premature preventable deaths. Arsenic is a poison. Used in cigars it causes cancer, heart diseases and damage of the blood vessels. Acrolein was used as a chemical weapon. It is one of the very abundant chemicals in cigarettes. It leads to cancer, DNA damage and lung issues by destroying the hairs that clean the lungs of toxins. Carbon monoxide slows down the oxygen transport and deprives the organs of it. Nitrogen oxide causes inflammation and damage of the lung tissues. Ammonia is regularly used to make explosives, fertilizers or toilet cleaners. It kills cilia. Cadmium causes cancer, damages the kidneys and stops the cells from fixing damaged DNA. These are just a few of the 4,000 chemicals. Most of them make the effects of the others worse so imagine the potential of this combination on your overall health. Over 70 of them are carcinogens and the others are either poisons or additives to make you hooked to nicotine.


Now think about the fact that each person who inhales second hand smoke on a regular basis is exposed to the same health risks as you. This includes your children, friends and family members. They become passive smokers and the chemicals enter their system though they never smoked a single tobacco cigarette their entire life. Is that a good thing? Do you want that?


As previously stated, this information is not meant to get you scared and quit smoking. You should just be aware of the fatal consequences of the old tobacco cigs that got worse and worse during the last centuries. If you really enjoy this habit for whatever reason, just keep doing it but check out the modern V2 cigarettes that replace that deadly combination of tobacco with a harmless mix of food additives. All the ingredients are publicly displayed on the website Deal Squeeze. There are less than seven even for the most complicated flavor and all of them are totally harmless elements. Why wouldn't you replace that deadly combination of chemicals that endangers your family's health and yours with a highly simple and safe one? Do it today and protect your health and the life of your family.

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